CropHealth AB

CropHealth AB is Scandinavian turf manufacturing and distribution company servicing the Scandinavian football and golf market. The company is focusing in on bringing innovative world leading product and analytical agronomic solutions to its customers. We are passionate about our approach of analytical selling, meaning we would like to know our customers agronomic challenges before we make product recommendations. “Plant Health” -the future for turf management is the common theme and focus we are excited about bringing to the Finish turf market, and we have a good team of former turf managers and scientists to help us accomplish that task. 

Besides our own high-quality liquid products, which is being produced in Sweden, we are working with other global manufacturing leaders such as Sustane, Floratine Products Group and Vellsam.  

The team that will support the Finish market is Tomi Laaksonen with a career in both sales and greenkeeping for several of the top Finish golf courses. Daniel Pantzar, former Greenkeeper-of-the-year, and head greenkeeper at Landeryd golf course for 12 years. Ken Day, chief scientist, responsible for new product development and evaluation including new agronomic analytical tools. Peter Stromberg, former founder of Floratine Scandinavia and CEO of both Floratine Products Group and FBSciences Inc. both located in the United States and active in both the turf and agricultural arena globally. 

We are excited about being a responsible long-term player in the Finish turf market and a partner to the Finish Greenkeeper Association (FGA) focusing in on selling, promoting and education around “Plant Health”, which allows our customers to have not only more control of growth and quality of its turf, but also being able to be more effective with other traditional inputs. 

More about CropHealth through the link.